Τετάρτη 8 Ιανουαρίου 2014


Personal Months and Days



Have you ever felt some days that everyone

and everything is against you and nothing

works, no matter what you do?

Perhaps,you are just doing the wrong

things on the wrong days. That's why you

should always be aware of your personal

day and month numbers, because they show

you what to focus on during a specific

time period, and reveal the underlying

trend of events.

To determine your personal month, simply

add the number of the calendar month (1

for January through 12 for December) to

the number of your personal year. In your

case, a birthday of 9/23 = 9 + 23 + 2012 (

2 + 0 + 1 + 2 = 5) = 37 = 3 + 7 = 10, this

puts you in a 10 personal year. February,

2012 would be calculated by adding 10

(personal year) + 2 (calendar) month = 12

, 1 + 2 = 3 personal month.

Personal month vibrations are always

strongest during the middle two weeks when

they're most established. But remember,

vibrations change every 24 hours, so it's

also important to understand your personal


To calculate these, add the actual

calendar date to your personal month

number. For example, if you are in a 6

personal month and it is the 11th day of

the month, 6 + 11 = 17 and 1 + 7 = 8, so

you are having an 8 personal day.

You may want to mark your calendar as I do

on a monthly and daily basis. Then first

thing in the morning, you can quickly

refer to the particular influences in

effect. See if this habit doesn't make

things fall into place more easily for

you, and makes you more aware of what will

work best for you each day.

For your convenience, I've reviewed what

to expect or do on the various personal

months and days so you can refer to them

as needed. Check the Interesting Insight

article for you own personal calculations.

Start using your influences to increase

your success! Learn to flow with them, not

fight them.

Bob, I've drawn up a calendar for you to

readily see your personal months and days.

Use their influences to help guide and

direct your activities for the most

successful outcome.
2/1/2012 - 4 Day    2/11/2012 - 5 Day   

2/21/2012 - 6 Day
2/2/2012 - 5 Day    2/12/2012 - 6 Day   

2/22/2012 - 7 Day
2/3/2012 - 6 Day    2/13/2012 - 7 Day   

2/23/2012 - 8 Day
2/4/2012 - 7 Day    2/14/2012 - 8 Day   

2/24/2012 - 9 Day
2/5/2012 - 8 Day    2/15/2012 - 9 Day   

2/25/2012 - 1 Day
2/6/2012 - 9 Day    2/16/2012 - 1 Day   

2/26/2012 - 11 Day
2/7/2012 - 1 Day    2/17/2012 - 2 Day   

2/27/2012 - 3 Day
2/8/2012 - 11 Day    2/18/2012 - 3 Day   

2/28/2012 - 4 Day
2/9/2012 - 3 Day    2/19/2012 - 4 Day   

2/29/2012 - 5 Day
2/10/2012 - 4 Day    2/20/2012 - 5 Day   

Each month you must calculate the personal

month and start over. Now look up the

influence of each month and day. Use these

numbers to make your activities more


1 Personal Month

Instead of things happening TO you, now is

the time to MAKE things happen. Invent a

better mousetrap, break out of your shell.

Act independently and decisively. Things

that haven't worked the past three months

can now fall into place. Try to avoid the

two extremes of playing the tyrant or

being a disinterested spectator of life.

2 Personal Month

"You scratch my back and I'll scratch

yours" are words to live by this month.

Sharpen your DIPLOMATIC skills as you work

with others to make smooth progress on

existing matters. Leave new projects for

another month. Keep a low profile and an

open mind, collecting useful information.

REACH OUT when others need help or


3 Personal Month

This is your chance to escape from the

same old routine and do something just for

FUN. Write, sing, dance, paint, play a

little. Try to remove yourself from

everyday cares, whether it's escaping to a

weekend getaway, hosting a party, going to

the movies or shopping. When you must get

down to business, mix in a little pleasure

as well. AVOID extravagance, but a new

outfit can do wonders. Call an old friend

-- anything but sit home and pout. Be


4 Personal Month

Get ready to make the most of it. Lots of

work and no play (almost) is what's in

store for you this month, and all I can

say is just grin and bear it. The rewards

WILL follow. Remember, slow and steady

wins the race so don't overlook even the

smallest detail. Keeping your affairs in

order especially applies to your finances

-- keep building that nest egg. Take care

of your health now, too.

5 Personal Month

Opportunity knocks. Try something new.

Forget the comfort of that well-worn rut

and head off into the unknown. You'll have

to walk a fine line between taking a risk

and acting recklessly, but for the most

part you shouldn't be afraid to try new

ventures. Fresh faces and places may also

enter your life at this time. Guard

against overindulging in sensory

experiences, though. It's a good month to


6 Personal Month

Duty calls...This can generally be a HAPPY

period for you, full of love for your

family and attention to your home life or

community. A few hours invested in

updating your kitchen, adding a new

bedspread or making other home

improvements will bring you YEARS of

satisfaction. Feel free to follow your

artistic bent, since your imagination and

creativity are especially enhanced.

Restrict travel to family visits. Serve,

love, teach, accommodate. Be devoted and

trustworthy with a smile. Accept


7 Personal Month

Stop! Step back. Take stock of your life.

This is a time to put DOING on hold while

you concentrate on THINKING and SELF

RENEWAL. Learn from the past. Get help

from professionals. Question. Analyze.

Take in information and keep it to

yourself. DON'T force issues about money

or other material goals this month. It

will prove self-defeating. Wait to take

action next month. Attend to any health


8 Personal Month

Become dynamic...here's an opportunity to

really make some progress. As long as you

exercise good judgement, you'll enjoy

success in controlling business matters,

taking on greater responsibility and

increasing your income. Make BOLD moves

but NOT foolish ones. Also, be careful not

to run over others on the way to the

finish line. Get organized and charge


9 Personal Month

This is a time to complete activities,

relationships and experiences. The

emphasis this month should definitely be

on SERVING others instead of looking out

for your own needs. Be generous with your

time, as well as your guidance and

compassion. Emotions can be strong.

Compose a song, write a play or paint a

picture -- your artistic influences are

strong. Think BIG, and open your mind to

new possibilities. Rewards from past good

deeds arrive. Don't start anything new.

11 Personal Month

You may not see your name in lights, but

you could easily be the center of

attention. You may EVEN be featured on TV

or the radio. Your public-minded efforts

do humanity a LOT of good as you generate

creative new solutions to world problems.

Watch out for a tendency to be high-strung

and overanxious, and ask associates for

help if you need it. Sudden, unexpected

events may occur. Watch for legal


1 Personal Day

A perfect day for life-changing

experiences -- getting married, starting a

new job, making a major investment

decision, putting plans into ACTION. Focus

on original, creative thought and pursue

it wholeheartedly. Go with your "gut"

feelings, and only follow the advice of

others when your own good judgment

indicates you should. Your personal POWER

is at its peak today, so be careful to

avoid any negative attitudes such as

hostility, pride, laziness or nervousness

that would impede your otherwise

astounding progress. To add to the energy

of the day, wear red.

2 Personal Day

Easy does it on "2" days. Schedule a quiet

lunch with a friend, or make amends for

past behavior. COOPERATION is the key

word, as you help iron out details and

give careful consideration to others'

opinions. Tomorrow there's a lot to do, so

make preparations now by gathering needed

information and lining up associates to

support your cause. Don't go so far as to

be a wallflower, but if you will quietly

go about your business, it'll be easier to

stay calm amidst the nit-pickers out

there. Don't worry about delays, just

avoid arguments and criticism. No feeling

sorry for yourself, either! Use this

inactive day to sew, iron or file papers.


3 Personal Day

Imagine a bunch of balloons - bright,

cheerful, and bouncy -- and you've got a

good picture of what this day should mean.

Instead of sticking to a rigid schedule,

"go with the flow." Don't let your

troubles dampen your enthusiasm. Start the

day with a song, and count your blessings.

Dress up! Get out and talk to someone.

Listen to music. Read a book, or go to a

movie. Make your work seem fun -- it'll

become contagious. Today, my friend, a

smile can heal a thousand wounds. Wear


4 Personal Day

Rise and SHINE! You've got a long and

productive day ahead of you. The most

important thing is to carefully schedule

everything you need to accomplish, then

stick to your plan. This would be a good

time to deal with any legal or investment

matters. A routine doctor's visit or

surgery is also favorable. Clean out your

closet, cut the grass, balance your

checkbook. Do whatever tasks are required

to put things in order. DON'T get caught

daydreaming or let petty distractions keep

you from achieving your goals. Others

might question your having to work so

diligently, but you understand that

without perseverance today, you don't have

the freedom to live happily ever after.

Wear green to feel more grounded.

5 Personal Day

A day of change -- even if it's just your

point of view. Get out your list of all

those things you've been thinking of doing

"someday" because THIS is the day. If you

feel restless, break out of the mold and

leave that rut far behind as you seek

exciting new adventures. A spontaneous

trip would be ideal, even if it's just

across town. Or fulfill your taste for the

unusual right at home. If you like country

music, give classical a try. Dress up to

attract attention. Or take someone to

lunch. You'll be amazed at how these new

experiences energize you, and intensify

your zest for life. LUCK is with you too,

so you might want to play the lottery or

stock market. Turquoise or teal add to

feelings of adventure. Take care not to

move or drive too fast -- we don't want

any accidents.

6 Personal Day

Responsibility and family concerns take

priority today, so you might well find

yourself dealing with routine duties and

commitments. You also need to take care of

one very special family member -- YOU. Eat

well and get some heart-healthy exercise.

This will help you be kind and

understanding when you feel the demands

made on you today are unfair. Bring

yourself up to date with your business and

social appointments. Make time to cheer up

a shut-in or hug someone. Be free with

your sympathy and advice, but ONLY when

asked for. Shop for the house or family.

Navy blue adds to your strength. Tomorrow

you can enjoy a well deserved rest.

7 Personal Day

If ever there was a day meant for stopping

to smell the roses, this is it! It is

simply vital that you take some time out

from your usual flurry of activity and

recharge those batteries. Make an entry in

your diary, go for a stroll along a

country lane, and stop to consider what's

REALLY important to you in life. Flip your

inner switch from "output" to "input" and

soak up beautiful thoughts, sights and

sounds that will allow you to envision a

happier you. Be confident in your

abilities, and don't work yourself into a

dither trying to get what you want as

anything worthwhile will be yours in good

time. Consult attorneys, doctors, dentists

today. Read. Catch a movie. Wear purple.

8 Personal Day

This is a "wheeling and dealing" day, so

put on your POWER suit (BLACK) and get to

work. This is an excellent time to

capitalize on promising financial

opportunities. Debts may be paid, favors

returned. Use common sense, be courageous

and solve the tough problems today. Think

big but don't take chances. Although

material concerns are uppermost today,

keep in mind that money is only a means to

an end, so watch your temper AND your

language today. Success is yours for the

taking. GO for it!

9 Personal Day

You can really feel GOOD about yourself

now, as you address the world with a

peaceful outlook and sense of renewal.

Take a hard look at your "to do" list and

strike all those self- imposed detailed

obligations you don't REALLY need to be

burdened with. Do a good deed. Let go of

any grudges and see how much lighter your

heart feels. By plowing up overgrown roots

that no longer have meaning in your life,

you can cultivate fresh new ideas that

will beautify your future. Settle your

problems before nightfall. Today you'll

find it easier to accept opinions and

viewpoints that differ from yours. Be

generous, loving. Wear something bright.

Share your wisdom. Expect nothing and

receive everything.

11 Personal Day

Suddenly matters that confused and

troubled you become crystal clear. Take

advantage of this insight to trust your

intuition. Express your artistic

tendencies. There may be a great novel or

ingenious invention sleeping inside you,

and today is the day to awaken those

creations. Postpone all but the most vital

chores so you can fully focus on visions

of what can be. Share your inspiration

with others. Your inner radiance will

light up the lives of everyone you see.

The progress you make today will not be

measured in material terms, but in your

ability to handle what comes next.

Special Days

Overall, 1 days favor beginnings while 9's

are best suited to tieing up loose ends. 6

is a day to avoid travel, and 5 is a day

to avoid staying home. Do your clothes

shopping on 1, 2, and 3 days, but wait for

a 6 day to purchase a home or household

goods. Market speculation and promotional

activities are best suited to 5 days, and

you should try to making savings deposits

on 7 days, a day you're best off not

trying to do ANYTHING but evaluate and

improve the status quo. If you have to

appear in public, try to schedule it on a

9 day. Of course you CAN'T always schedule

your activities around your personal days,

so always go ahead with whatever you need

to do. Just being aware of the day's

influences will help you immeasurably!


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