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by Suranee1969
Feng Shui: How to Use Sea Salt to Remove Negative Energy
Source: Wikimedia Commons
Benefits of Using Sea Salt For Cleansing

Salt has been used since ancient times by many cultures for purification.

It’s also a popular mineral used in Feng Shui to cleanse and purify homes which may be filled with negative energy.

The cleansing power of sea salt lies in its mineral content - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium which is essential for the overall health of a human being and his surrounding.

The sea salt’s healing ability can be traced back to thousands of years ago when the ancients would use the salt in many of their rituals and therapeutic treatments.

Celtic Sea Salt®, Light Grey, By The Grain & Salt Society, Coarse Ground, 1 lb
Celtic Sea Salt®, Light Grey, By The Grain & Salt Society, Coarse Ground, 1 lb
Amazon Price: Too low to display
List Price: $6.34
Source: Wikimedia Commons
Dead Sea Salt Fine Grind Food Grade -2 FULL MINERAL PACKED POUNDS! - in 1 lb packs -(900+ grams total!) From Israel - Shipped Priority Mail!
Dead Sea Salt Fine Grind Food Grade -2 FULL MINERAL PACKED POUNDS! - in 1 lb packs -(900+ grams total!) From Israel - Shipped Priority Mail!
Amazon Price: $22.84
Benefits Of Dead Sea Bath

The Dead Sea is a fine example of the healing ability of sea salt where hundreds of people from many parts of the world would bathe in to cleanse their body of many an ailment.

The Dead Sea contains therapeutic minerals such as calcium, chloride, magnesium, bromides and potassium. All four types of minerals heal the body in a variety of ways. For example the calcium helps to heal weak bones and nails making it strong. Magnesium delays skin aging and brings relief to overworked tensed nerves.

Sea salt when left in its natural state in our surrounding has the potential to absorb negative energy (toxins) and replace it with positive chi. This is why its so important for us to do a regular cleansing in our home using sea salt.

Source: Wikimedia Commons
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Feng Shui and Sea Salt

Sea salt is commonly used in Feng Shui to get rid of negative energy and to allow a balanced chi to flow inside the home.

The sea salt is either used alone or mixed with water and placed in certain areas of the home.

One popular method of cleansing the home to get rid of negative energy is to mix 5 – 6 tablespoons of sea salt in a bucket of water and mop the floors with the mixture.

Another method is to place a bowl filled with sea salt in each corner of the house which faces the northeast and southwest directions. The bowls of salt should be left in an open space and not placed in a cupboard. It should be replaced every 2 months.

Source: Wikimedia Commons
Feng Shui and Epsom Salt

Some people use Epsom salt to cleanse themselves and get rid of feelings of stress and any negative energy they may be experiencing.

They do this by soaking themselves for 15 - 20 minutes in a warm bath which has half a cup of Epsom salt added to it.
Do You Prefer Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt Lamps to Bring Forth Good Energy Into Your Surroundings

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To get rid of large amounts of negative energy in a home a pot or jug filled with sea salt is kept in every room and removed after 24 hours.

If there’s a particular room you wish to remove negative energy from you can spread sea salt in the room and remove it after 24 hours.

Sea salt can also be spread around the ‘outside perimeter’ of the house to put a stop to any negative energy entering the home.
WBM Himalayan Light # 1301B Natural Air Purifying Himalayan Tall basket salt lamp with Salt chunks, Bulb and dimmer switch
WBM Himalayan Light # 1301B Natural Air Purifying Himalayan Tall basket salt lamp with Salt chunks, Bulb and dimmer switch
Amazon Price: $29.78
List Price: $49.95
Salt Lamps

Some people rely on salt lamps to remove negative energy from their home.

Salt lamps are found in a variety colors such as orange, yellow, red, pink, white, brown and purple and each color has a particular function.
Ten Strawberry Street Set of 6 Royal White Footed Rice Bowls.
Ten Strawberry Street Set of 6 Royal White Footed Rice Bowls.
Amazon Price: $37.83
List Price: $37.79
Chinese Feng Shui I Ching Divination Coins for Success - 2 sets of 3
Chinese Feng Shui I Ching Divination Coins for Success - 2 sets of 3
Amazon Price: $0.01
Salt Water Cure

The Salt Water Cure is another method used by Feng Shui enthusiastics to rid the home of negative energy.

A bowl made of metal, glass or porcelain is filled with rock salt (the salt level should be up to ¾ of the bowl). 6 Chinese brass coins are placed on the salt with the Yang side facing up.

The bowl is then placed in the preferred area of the room. Make sure to keep a mat under the bowl.

Gently fill the bowl with water till it reaches to the top. Leave un-covered.

The bowl and coins should be discarded when large amount of granules of salt appear on the edges of the bowl. The salt build up occurs due to the presence of negative energy in the room. The time period of such a build up can take up to a year or even less. It’s important to discard the bowl and coins when this happens.

*Salt used for Feng Shui should be thrown away or buried after use. Never reuse it.

© 2012 Suranee Perera
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 Last updated on February 2, 2014
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Robie Benve profile image

Robie Benve 23 months ago from Ohio Level 2 Commenter

Suranee, I knew about taking purifying baths with sea salt in the water, But I had no idea about all these possible uses of salt in Feng Shui. Thanks for sharing! :)
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 23 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

You are welcome Robi Benve. Nice to know you found the hub useful.Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
anndavis25 profile image

anndavis25 23 months ago from Clearwater, Fl.

I have also heard of the salt lamps being an excellent relief for sinus problems at certain times of the year.

Informative message.
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 23 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

My husband and some of my friends suffer from sinus problems so I will let them know about the salt lamp treatment. I'm not sure if the lamps are available here in Sri lanka though but will definitely look around. Thank you for visiting and for commenting and for the vital info about the salt lamp helping in the treatment of sinus problems.
TheListLady profile image

TheListLady 23 months ago from New York City

Wonderful tips - I'm a big feng-shui fan and I need to remove negative energy. I did okay all winter because I plug in my salt rock lamp - lovely! And recently I did an epsom salt bath. But because I've been ill I need to remove more negative energy and will use your tips. I need a fresh supply of sea salt.

One thing I do with sea salt is add it to the laundry - it keeps the colors but perhaps this is another way to remove negative energy and this time from the clothes.

Thanks a million - rated up and will bookmark!
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 23 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

I've recently started using Feng Shui TheListLady and find it to be quite interesting. That's great you've been using it to get rid of the negative energy in your surrounding. Thank you for the tip about sea salt being used in laundry. Thank you so much for stopping by and for commenting and for the rating. Appreciate it.
MizBejabbers profile image

MizBejabbers 22 months ago from Arkansas Level 5 Commenter

Thanks for the information. Many years ago I was taught to use a combination of alcohol and salt as a purifier, but that was before the availability of sea salt and I was never sure how to use it. I make bath salts from epson salts, too. Question--can epson salts be substituted for sea salt in purifying a house? Here sea salt is kind of pricy, while epson salt is much more economical. Thanks, voted you up!
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 22 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

This is a very good question but as far as I know epsom salt is used in baths or burnt with alcohol (as you've mentioned above)for cleansing and purification.

I'm sorry but I really don't know if it can be used separately like sea salt to cleanse a space. Somehow epsom salt seems to work better when it's dissolved with a solution (water or alcohol)for cleansing and purification.

Thank you for visiting, commenting and for the vote. Have a wonderful day.

kiran 17 months ago

please tell me some very easy ways to get rid of negetivity from my life and my house. please tell me methods which no one in my house can notice. thank you in advance.
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 17 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

Hello Kiran,

Sea salt used in any of the ways mentioned in this hub is a recommended cleansing method to remove the negative energy in your surroundings. You can also take a warm Epsom salt bath to energize yourself if your feeling down and stressed out. Hope this information will help you. Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful day.

kiran 17 months ago

thank u very much. please tell me some very easy ways to bring love in my marriage,we do not even share a room. i cannot buy any fung shui items. my children and i are very unhappy with the whole situation. my son ,inspite of being an engineer, is directionless in life. i wish he joins his father's business.my daughter too feels very bad that her parents do not get along well.my inlaws have given me lots of sorrow and humiliation in life.i will be gratefull for your advice
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 17 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

Hello again Kiran,

The best advice I can give you is to seek help from a marriage counselor. On a personal note I've found one of the ideal ways to keep one's marriage a happy one is to NOT allow in laws, friends and relations to meddle in one's marriage. When a husband and wife discloses their affairs with such people it USUALLY makes matters worse. I wish you and your family all the very best for a happy and prosperous family life and hope you will find a solution to the unhappiness that prevails in your home-front.

Cris 17 months ago

My son just went to college this past weekend. I filled a small glass with Himalayan sea salt but with no water inside. I placed it on his desk. Will this help him to remove negative energy and relieve stress? Please advice.
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 17 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

Hello Cris,

Himalayan Salt contains ions which are effective in removing negative and stagnated energy and clearing the air in our surroundings. For these ions to be properly released into the environment it needs heat. This is why Himalayan Salt is used via salt lamps. Thank you for visiting, reading and commenting.

Melly 17 months ago

A few months ago, we began renovating a new house to move to. The more time we spent in the new house, the more bad things happened. Before we left our old house, our cat disappeared and our neighbor said he took our cat and left him 4 miles away. I looked for him for months, and then we had to move, and I still have not found him. Could you offer advice on how to increase our luck, so we can find our missing cat?
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 17 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

Hello Melley,

I'm truly sorry to hear about your cat. Are there any local animal shelters, animal control agencies or a police department in the area your cat was abandoned at? If there is have you tried contacting them to get help in finding your cat?

To increase your luck and protect you from danger I suggest you wear a Tiger's eye gemstone and carry an amethyst with you. I'm not sure how effective it will be in helping you find your lost cat but these two stones have been used since ancient times to ward off negative energy.

It sounds like your new house needs a good cleansing to get rid of the negative energy which prevails there. Do try the feng shui sea salt remedies I have mentioned in this hub and if it does not help I strongly suggest you get a professional healer who has experience in this field to visit your home and cleanse it.

Thank you for stopping by Melly and I do hope you find your cat and the 'bad happenings' you have been experiencing in your new home will be removed and be replaced with peace and tranquility.

Melly 17 months ago

Thank you so much for your help. I will implement the salt cures that you mentioned above. Do you know of a good website where I can purchase the Tiger's eye gemstone and amethyst?

The police are unable to help find our kitty, unfortunately. I gave a copy of our kitty's picture to one animal rescue organization in case someone brings him there, and another organization lent me a cat trap to try to catch him. I looked for him the humane society as well, but I need to go there again. This weekend I'm using the traps to try to catch him down the street from our old home in case our neighbor wasn't telling the truth. Do you have any recommendations for increasing my luck, so that I will have a better chance of finding our kitty and bringing him home this weekend?

Thank you so much again for taking the time to help me. I truly appreciate it.
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 17 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

Hello again Melly,

You are welcome. The only website I can recommend is Amazon since I find it a reliable site on the internet to purchase a variety of goods.

I do hope your successful in finding your cat. I'm sorry but I can only recommend what I already have to you in order to increase your luck and protect you. Thank you again for stopping by Melley and I wish you all the very best in finding your lost cat and in everything you do.

Melly 17 months ago

Thank you so much for your suggestions. I have placed sea salt around the perimeter of each room of our home and I think it is already working. The energy seems lighter and I feel a little happier. I'll also do my best to find the gemstones you mentioned via Amazon. Thank you so much again for everything, and take care.
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 17 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

You are most welcome Melly and I'm really happy to hear you can sense some of the bad energy being removed. Take care and do let me know if you find your lost cat.

Sending you my best,


yogesh 13 months ago

hi. I have 3 bathrooms in my house and unfortunetly all three are in Northeast corner of house (at different levels of building). And demoliation is not possible for them. I heared that we can use Rock salt to remove this vastu dosha. So, can you please tell me how to use rock salt for this. I have rock salt pieces like 400-500 grams weight. Where should I put them in toilet and How? When I need to change them and where I need to throw old/used rock salt from toilet after use. Waiting for a response. Yogesh(+919671781417)
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 13 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

Hello Yogesh,

I’m sorry to hear that you aren't able to demolish the 3 bathrooms. Because of the bathrooms the good positive energy which should flow from the Northeast area into your home is being blocked. I’m not sure if rock salt will be of any help. Rock salt is there to remove bad energy and allow the flow of good prosperous energy to flow into a place but as long as the bathrooms are in the Northeast corner it will be difficult for such energy to enter the home.

I strongly suggest you contact an astrologer who is familiar with this problem and see if he/she can advise you on what to do. I’m sorry I could not be of more help. I wish you all the best and hope you find a solution soon. Thank you for visiting.

llyn 13 months ago

Hello i can use japanesse coin

To salt water?
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 13 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

Hello llyn,

I'm sorry but I have not heard of using Japanese coins in the salt water cure. But Japanese Koi fish have been used and so has Japanese Koi fish paintings. Thank you for visiting.
Riviera Rose profile image

Riviera Rose 12 months ago from South of France Level 2 Commenter

I'd never heard of this before, love the tip about mopping your floors with sea salt, will definitely give that a try - thanks!
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 12 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

Sea salt is an amazing purifying cleanser. I make a point to use the 24 hour sea salt treatment at least once a month. Thank you for visiting Riviera Rosa.

golda 12 months ago


thank you for all this information.

i have a house and would like to put 2 small bowls of salt outside my front door, my sliding door in the back that leads to a porch and also outside on a balcony door from one bedroom.

should i also put two small bowls outside the 2 car garage?

all outside?

thank you,

Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 12 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

Hello Golda,

Yes, you can do that but usually the salt is spread outside the perimeter of the home for best results.

Thank you for visiting.
gail641 profile image

gail641 11 months ago from Mason City Level 1 Commenter

This sounds like a really good idea to get rid of the negative energy in the home. I've never heard of it before, but it sure sounds like a good way to get rid of negative energy that you don't want in your home or anywhere near you.

yesters 9 months ago

Hi, this is a fabulous site. i have just started looking for fengshui tips for cleansing negative energy from home. will the edible salt that we use for cooking, work as same as the sea salt? otherwise where do we get sea salt from and do we also get Himalayan salt lamp from India or Thailand?

Please advice!!!
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 9 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

Hello Yesters,

Sea salt is a better choice than table salt since sea salt tends to be left more in its natural state after processing than table salt.

I'm sorry but I don't personally know of any places in India and Thailand where you can purchase Himalayan salt lamps.

Thank you for stopping by.

Dennise 4 months ago

Hi, things appear to be breaking down at my house (oven, shower, lamps, sink, tv) in the last 2 months, since a tree behind my house died, it just dried up. I put a little sea salt in two small porcelain containers in my living room next to the door, do you think it might help? And why do you think these things are happening?
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 4 months ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

Hello Denise,

How old is the property your house is built on? Do you know much about its history? Try this out, cover the floor of each room with sea salt and leave it for 24 hours. Then discard the salt. In addition fully cover the area where the tree once was with sea salt. Just leave it there permanently. If the problem continues after 3 days you will have to get professional help such as from those experienced in the supernatural field. Native American healers are ideal people to seek help from. Please be careful about the type of healer you ask help from. Some use a blend of Native American spirituality, Wiccan spells, etc. Stay away from such people for they may cause more harm than good. I wish you all the very best in finding a Native American healer if one is needed. I'm sorry I can't be of further help. I hope my advise helps you.

nitin t 4 days ago

hi suranee! hope u r doing good....recently i have started searching for methods to better my luck and fortune usng feng shui...i had heard all these years about feng shui and its various cures but never really tried them...i recently got myself the chinese coins for money luck and security....i hope they help me....what i want to ask u is if there is a special way of tying them in a knot.....when i received them , they were stacked up together tied in a red ribbon...is it the ok way of tying them?
Suranee1969 profile image

Suranee1969 4 days ago from Kandy, Sri Lanka Hub Author

Hello Nitin T,

For money luck 3 coins tied together in a red ribbon is a good choice. The coins should be tied in what is called 'trinity knots.' Just google 'Chinese coins trinity knots' to get a better idea of how it should look.

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